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QA Manual & Automation Testing
- History of Software Engineering
- Terms used in software testing (Defect, Error, Bug, Failure)
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Models of Software Engineering
- Typical Software Risks and Management
- Terms Related to Software Engineering and Testing
- Static Testing (Walkthrough, Reviews and Inspection)
- Levels of Testing
- Software Testing Methodologies (White Box, Black Box, and Grey Box)
- Overview of White Box Testing
- Types of Testing
- Test Plan
- Black Box Testing
- Real time Implementation of Testing Project and Domain Knowledge session
- Live Project
- Software Testing Life Cycle
- Automation Testing Concepts
- Automation Testing Tools(HP Interactive)
- Quick Test Professional (QTP 11.0)
- Quality Center(QC)
Selenium IDE
- Need of Test Automation
- Why Open Source Test Automation
- Introduction to Various tools of Test Automation
- Introduction of Selenium
- Selenium Components
- First Record and Replay of Scenario in Selenium IDE
- Introduction of Web Technologies HTML, XML, XPath, CSS and DOM
- Locators in Selenium
- Introduction of Selenese Command Types
- Selenium Action Commands
- Verification and Assertion Commands
- Store and StoreEval Accessor Commands
- Creation of Test Suite
- Debugging IDE Script
- More on Selenium IDE
- Introduction to Java
- Setting Development Environment - Eclipse
- Walk through of Java concepts
- Hello World!
- Introduction to Java Data Types
- Taking Input from End User
- Numerical Data Type and Numerical Operators
- Boolean Data Type and Operators
- Conditional Statements [IF], and Loop [While]
- Conditional Statement[SWITCH]
- Loop [FOR]
- String Data type and functions
- Command Line Parameters
- Arrays
- Hash Tables/ Map Object
- Regular Expression
- File Handling
- Java OOPs Concept
- Concept of Classes and Objects in Java
- Concept of Packages in Java
- Exception Handling
- Debugging in Java
- General Java Programming tit-bits
- Overview of WebDriver
- Introduction to browser specific drivers
- Setup WebDriver package on system for eclipse
- Set up firebug for Firefox
- Exporting pre-recorded test scenario in IDE to WebDriver, and executing it.
- Webdriver class files, and their methods
- Automating different HTML Elements text fields, buttons, links, check box, drop-down etc
- Verifications and Assertions
- Parameterization
- Synchronization
- Desired Capabilities and IE
- Handling Web Table
- Handling Drop Down elements
- SwtichTo Command -Handling Frames, Popup Windows, Alerts
- Brief about Ajax and how to handle Ajax with WebDriver
- JDBC Introduction
- Components of JDBC
- Set JDBC with MYSQL Connector for Java Project
- JDBC with MySQL
- Introduction of Selenium Grid
- Usage of Selenium Grid, executing same test on different browsers
- Introduction to Page Object Model
- Usage of Page Object Model for DemoSite
- What is Test Automation Frameworks
- Different Types of Frameworks, overview
- Available Test Automation Frameworks on Selenium
- JUnit
- TestNg
- Creating Test using TestNg
- TestNg Annotations
- Explanation of TestNg XML
- Execution of TestNg Tests
- Explanation of Testng Folder, and various result files
- Parameterize TestNg Test Data Provider
- Capturing screen shots
- Custom reporter
- Introduction to various Java APIs Log4J, Apache POI, XML Beans.
- Quick Snapshot- Create Logs
- Quick Snapshot- Read and Write to Excel Files
- Quick Snapshot on Java Reflection
- Demo of Hybrid framework for Selenium
- Demo of Keyword Driven Framework for Selenium
- Refresh the concepts on selenium
- Best Practices in Test Automation
- Real time challenges faced in automation.
- Sample Interview questions and the answers
- Resume Guidance