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Hadoop with Pentaho course content:
Big Data and Hadoop with ETL tool called Pentaho
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will understand Big Data, the limitations of the existing solutions for Big Data problem, how Hadoop solves the Big Data problem, the common Hadoop ecosystem components, Hadoop Architecture, HDFS, Anatomy of File Write and Read, Rack Awareness, Introduction to Pentaho.
Topics - Big Data, Limitations and Solutions of existing Data Analytics Architecture, Hadoop, Hadoop Features, Hadoop Ecosystem, Hadoop 2.x core components, Hadoop Storage: HDFS, Hadoop Processing: MapReduce Framework, Anatomy of File Write and Read, Rack Awareness,Pentaho.
Hadoop Architecture and HDFS
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn the Hadoop Cluster Architecture, Important Configuration files in a Hadoop Cluster, Data Loading Techniques.
Topics - Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture - Federation and High Availability, A Typical Production Hadoop Cluster, Hadoop Cluster Modes, Common Hadoop Shell Commands, Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files, Password-Less SSH, MapReduce Job Execution, Data Loading Techniques: Hadoop Copy Commands,SQOOP.
Hadoop MapReduce Framework - I
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will understand Hadoop MapReduce framework and the working of MapReduce on data stored in HDFS. You will learn about YARN concepts in MapReduce.
Topics - MapReduce Use Cases, Traditional way Vs MapReduce way, Why MapReduce, Hadoop 2.x MapReduce Architecture, Hadoop 2.x MapReduce Components.YARN MR Application Execution Flow, YARN Workflow, Anatomy of MapReduce Program, Demo on MapReduce.
Hadoop MapReduce Framework - II
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will understand concepts like Input Splits in MapReduce, Combiner &Partitioner and Demos on MapReduce using different data sets.
Topics - Input Splits, Relation between Input Splits and HDFS Blocks, MapReduce Job Submission Flow, Demo of Input Splits, MapReduce: Combiner &Partitioner, Demo on de-identifying Health Care Data set, Demo on Weather Data set.
Advance MapReduce
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will learn Advance MapReduce concepts such as Counters, Distributed Cache, MRunit, Reduce Join, Custom Input Format, Sequence Input Format and how to deal with complex MapReduce programs.
Topics - Counters, Distributed Cache, MRunit, Reduce Join, Custom Input Format, Sequence Input Format.
Learning Objectives - This module will help you in understanding Hive concepts, Loading and Querying Data in Hive and Hive UDF.
Topics - Hive Background, Hive Use Case, About Hive, Hive Vs Pig, Hive Architecture and Components, Metastore in Hive, Limitations of Hive, Comparison with Traditional Database, Hive Data Types and Data Models, Partitions and Buckets, Hive Tables(Managed Tables and External Tables), Importing Data, Querying Data, Managing Outputs, Hive Script, Hive UDF, Hive Demo on Healthcare Data set.
Learning Objectives - This module will cover Advance HBase concepts. We will see demos on Bulk Loading , Filters. You will also learn what Zookeeper is all about, how it helps in monitoring a cluster, why HBase uses Zookeeper.
Topics - HBase Data Model, HBase Shell, HBase Client API, Data Loading Techniques, ZooKeeper Data Model, Zookeeper Service, Zookeeper, Demos on Bulk Loading, Getting and Inserting Data, Filters in HBase.
Pentaho and Hadoop Project
Learning Objectives - In this module, you will understand working of multiple Hadoop ecosystem components together in a Hadoop implementation to solve Big Data problems. We will discuss multiple data sets and specifications of the project.
This module will also cover Sqoop demo and Pentaho for workflow and ETL.
Topics - SqoopDemo,Scheduling with Pentaho, Demo on Pentaho Workflow,Hadoop Project Demo.
Python for spark(Pyspark):
Learning Objectives-In this module, we will discuss the Spark architecture and basic python programs to get hands on the python.
1. Introduction to Pyspark 2. Differentiating capabilities between spark and mapreduce engine with dataset from stack overflow 3.Scheduling spark jobs using crontab and pentaho spark submit
Kafka Integration:
Learning Objectives:We will deep dive kafka architecture and integration with spark.
1. Introduction to Kafka 2. Integration with spark 3.Working on use case with data of 10 mins frequency, streaming data with kafka to a spark engine